Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Awesome piece I got on the internet on the internet on a very sensitive topic, especially for those of us who sometimes wonder if God is listening to us at all or if He is just being silent on our issues.
Read on and be blessed.......

I have to admit, I usually cringe when someone starts a conversation with
“God told me …” It just makes me uncomfortable. I wonder if they’re one
of the weirdo Christian types or a bit delusional. Sure, maybe it’s a
prematurely negative reaction, but having heard people boast “God told
me xyz” during much of my youth has made me somewhat of a skeptic. It’s
not that I doubt God’s ability to speak to us. It’s that I sometimes
question people’s motive for telling me, or their on-the-money
certainty, or the smug look-how-special-I-am attitude with which they
say it.
In the church where I grew up, apparently God was telling all my peers who
to marry and which Bible college to attend. Hearing God was quite the
obsession. Because I didn’t hear God telling me things with the clarity
my friends were, I felt like a religious reject. God was more silent
than not. Granted, I’m sure there were times I didn’t listen and other
times when I should have been paying more attention. I won’t be naive
and deny that. Still, He just wasn’t as transparent and as clear to
see, hear and understand as I believed He should have been. I was
plagued with questions. Why was God ignoring me? What was wrong with
me? What did I do or not do? Was I not sincere? Should I pray more? And
on and on.
I’ve since resolved, or have more peace than not, with the fact that God
doesn’t communicate with me in theatrics, but with a quiet assurance.
Sure, it bothers me every now and then, but I remind myself that it
just happens to be His modus operandi. I don’t have to walk around
thinking I suck because other people are allegedly hearing God talk to
them in flowery soliloquies that could match the length of a novella
and I don’t.
Continue reading here

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