Saturday, July 14, 2012


The only thing stopping you from reaching your goals and dreams are your limits. It’s when you meet your limits that you feel resistance and things you want seem harder to achieve. Whether it is fear, doubt, physical abilities or some other mental block, it can present a huge barrier to getting what you want.
Unfortunately most people can’t work past their limits and give up. So how far you get in reaching your dreams is very dependent on how good you are at overcoming this obstacle. Fail to push past your limits and you’ll leave your dreams unrealized. Work through them and you can make any dream or goal a reality.

Pushing Past Your Limits
A few years ago I decided to go to the gym on a regular basis. In order to build the muscle I wanted, I would regularly lift weights, do my cardio and eat well. I made a lot of progress at first, but eventually I met resistance and my exercise goals became harder to attain. I had reached my limit.

What happened was I had become complacent in my exercise routine by lifting with the same amount of weight and reps every single time I went to the gym. Looking back on it now, I can definitely see why I wasn’t making any progress. Only after increasing the weight and pushing myself to work harder was I able to take my weight-lifting goals to the next level.
I think this situation is similar to the trouble most people have in achieving their goals and dreams. No matter what you want to achieve, you’re going to eventually reach your limits and make little or no progress. You just need to make sure you’re taking the necessary action to make sure your limits don’t become a big problem.

Here are seven things you can do to push past your limits:  Continue here

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