Friday, January 8, 2010

A new day!!!!A new location!!!! Resumed work in my head office today, and ....sheeeeeeeeesh.......I don't even want to talk about how it feels working in a new environment. I can only pray i get used to it as soon as I can.

God's message to us this morning is that we should RELAX and ENJOY the RIDE in might not be smooth all the way, but we have an ANCHOR that keeps the soul, steadfast and sure when the billows roll, when the road gets rough, when the sea gets stormy.....He has assured us of a safe landing....Safe arrival to our destination, whuich is the place HE has prepared for us. I pray God helps us to trust and hold on to HIM because HE alone is the TRUE FRIEND that LOVES us sooo much. He's our surest ally. He's most dependable. He's got my back and HE'd do anything to keep me safe in HIS arms......

I can keep talking on and on and on of God's love and faithfulness...of how reliable and dependable He is...

Have a great day people and stay connected to GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd kip u posted on how my stay in V.I goes.

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