Thursday, June 21, 2012


  Meet this ever smiling, hardworking, focused and passionate gospel music minister.........

Gbenga oke is a gospel music minister based in lagos,Nigeria. His music has spanned over a decade now and He is making tremendous contribution to the music ministry in Nigeria. 

He Has 3 albums and His latest single from His comin 4tH album"AWESOME GOD" is rocking everywHere now.He Hails from Osun State,Studied English/Literature  at the Lagos State University and  he is ***single***. He has ministered in churches,concerts  & events alongside Ebenezer Obey, Bola Are,   Sammy Okposo, , Kingsley Ike, Segun Obe, Samsong , Midnight crew,  Motara and a whole lot of other gospel artistes...Gbenga oke has a pre   sence you can't resist on stage.

Download his new single wonder

Check out some of his videos below........

Follow him on twitter.... @gbengaoke.

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