Friday, September 27, 2013

The Acts and Art of worship.

So today, I was priviledged to share on the topic "THE ACT AND ART OF WORSHIP" on an online worship conference put together  Hemedy Music City. Hemedy Music City is a unique music body that was founded in 2007 by Director of Music, singer-songwriter Tommy Tush. Hemedy Music City stands for submerging the world with God's own music. 

I will share some of my thoughts and some of the questions that were asked and also the answers. God bless you as you read on.

SO before I start I want to share this video (Above)....some may find it funny but I think it summarizes all we will be saying today.
SO, let's define the word ACT. An act, when used as a verb, means to take action; do something, behave in the way specified.
I'd go with the definition "behaving in the way specified."
 Relating this to worship, I'd say that the true act of worship is worshiping in the specified way. This brings me to the question....what is the specified way? 
Our answer is in John 4:24. It says "God is Spirit, and they that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth".
The true genuine act of worship is one that flows from the Spirit, and that is also done in truth.
I can also say that true worship is NOT worship in Flesh and falsehood. 
Let's take a minute to examine what ART is....
An art is the EXPRESSION or APPLICATION of HUMAN creative SKILL and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
So, I can say that the Art of worship is the application of human creative skills/understanding,/knowledge/ability and imagination to produce "Music/worship/songs to be appreciated primarily for the beauty/emotions/acceptance/fame/popularity and what have you.
So, simplifying both, let's just say that The true Act of worship is rooted in "SPIRIT and in TRUTH". However, the true art of worship is rooted in human reasoning (flesh), skills, abilities, wanting to be appreciated, wanting to be celebrated, and all of that
 I could also say that the ART of worship is rooted in emotions too. That's why we have so many "EMOTIONS ON DISPLAY" during worship, instead of true brokenness, transformation, connection with the Spirit of God.
As a worshiper/minister, Worshiping God in Spirit and in truth means that I have to seek out God's heart. I need to know what He is saying, what He wants to do in and through me. I need to be broken so I can deliver His total counsel. I cant continue to live in sin. I cant go contrary to His own guidelines. I need to stay constantly in the place of presence. Above all, I need to carry His presence everywhere I go because, Hey, I cant take anyone to somewhere I have never been!
On the other hand, as an ARTIST, or say, "Worship Artist", my priority is to be skillful. I need to apply my skill generously. At the end of each performance, my works must be appreciated. I want to entertain, be my best. I want to flow with the emotions. I want to focus on my package, my brand, everything that just would portray me as beautiful, great, awesome. I want to focus on MY song, NY voice, MY audience, MY pedigree, MY personality, MY market, blah, bluh, blah
I will NEVER underestimate the place of Skill, because of course, God deserves our very best. He is a God of Excellence. He Himself gives us skills, talents , abilities and all that have.
However, we need to be sure to strike the right balance. None of this should ever take the place of worshiping in Spirit and in truth, because by God's standard, that is who a worshipper is. Not the best singer, not the best soloist, not the best soprano, not the best alto or tenor, but the best of the best who would ultimately give Him the best with a broken and contrite heart. The one who would give Him His place, acknowledge Him, glorify HIM and HIM ALONE.
Needless to say is the fact that, as humans, we could easily slip into the art and dwell there, especially when the accolades are pouring in, and be like, oh my God..."Nobody hits them notes like I do". And then, we begin to take His glory. And then we can wake up from the bed of adultery, or steal, or tell lies or not just bother to RELY ON GRACE anymore because, "Once I show, I will scatter the place". Hmmm, that's dangerous.
That's why some worship and there is healing, deliverance, words of prophecy, chains are broken, signs and wonders take place. However, some worship and all we can take a way is, "wow, what a singer/dancer/entertainer and everyone leaves empty.
You know why? God will not share His glory with anyone...not even the best singers. and what have you.
Today, I encourage us to be steadfast, continually rely on His Grace at every point in time. Let's strike the right balance, give God His place. Worship Him in Spirit. Worship in Truth.
Trust me, The ANOINTING will always make the difference.
Finally, I love the way The Message translation expresses John 4:23-24. It says "It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration.”
I guess that says it all. Do not let us get it twisted friends! God is not mocked. You can deceive us withe ART, but God will only acknowledge the true ACT OF WORSHIP.
You can check out some of the questions and answers on the Facebook page here